Is this all there is? A chemical reaction? No magic like telepathy?
I think there is something approaching telepathy that comes after the chemical reaction. It's not magic, though, and a programmer like yourself might appreciate it.
The chemical reaction is what gets us to seek out the other person's company and feel a fondness for them. That proximity and care leads us to want to understand them.
I believe our brains create a literal simulation of our partner's mind that overtime converges towards their actual thought processes. In that way, we are feeling and thinking what they're feeling and thinking, and vice versa.
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674 sats \ 10 replies \ @ek OP 5 Feb
It's not magic, though, and a programmer like yourself might appreciate it.
I sometimes like to think that math is magic if you let it. Or it's the closest thing to "magic" that we have.
What is magic anyway? Isn't everything "magic" that we can't explain?
Our smartphones would certainly be considered magic if we just travel back a few hundred years.
I believe our brains create a literal simulation of our partner's mind that overtime converges towards their actual thought processes. In that way, we are feeling and thinking what they're feeling and thinking, and vice versa.
Okay, that's deep. That's the kind of response I was hoping for :)
What is magic anyway?
I think the concept of magic may date all the back to the emergence of spoken language. You say "look over there" and it almost compels me to do so. That's basically a spell, right?
Good one.. Thats a spell.. And that’s exactly how the movie industry influences people.. Some call it black magic Its just influence Depending on how one want to influence others, when someone says look over here, make sure your wallet is not stolen.. people use magic tricks all the time 😅
I wouldn't call that magic to be completely honest
Edit: maybe if the person speaking was moving the head. Not the person with the head moving the head...
I don't think it's magic either, but I wonder if it's where the concept came from.
674 sats \ 5 replies \ @Natalia 5 Feb
I believe our brains create a literal simulation of our partner's mind that overtime converges towards their actual thought processes. In that way, we are feeling and thinking what they're feeling and thinking, and vice versa.
how does it works? 🤔
and I read somewhere that mother's milk automatically produces the right thing for the baby, like with the right nutrients for whatever the baby is lacking! I'm really amazed by the fact that the body can produce milk, on top of that with the right nutrients - wow, our body is so amazing.
I might have linked @Undisciplined to whatever parenting curiosity I have with:)
Caveat: there's still a ton about brain function that is not even slightly understood.
Our brains train on information, in much the same way as AI does. We observe the reactions of those around us and that trains our internal models of them. Over time, our mental model of someone we're close to can become a very close approximation of their mind (albeit at lower resolution).
These simulacra of ourselves that reside in the minds of others are also how I think of the afterlife and immortality.
it gets more interesting, and what do you think of afterlife and immortality?
I often think of things like these
  • why I'm the child of my parent not the others? Is it really just random?
  • will we still get to reunite with our partners after we die? Are our partners already "planned" from the start, we just need to find them in this realm?
  • how about the babies, where were they before being born into this world?
why I'm the child of my parent not the others? Is it really just random?
There's a related thought that I often have:
There are so many genetic combinations that if any event in all of human history had happened differently, you would not exist. Maybe some other person would have been born to your parents at the same time as you, and they might even have the same name, but they would be as different from you as a sibling is.
There are so many genetic combinations that if any event in all of human history had happened differently, you would not exist.
sounds like won the lottery ticket! then you met your partner, then the kid is born, then he /she met the one, and creates another kid...
and then each of our actions inspires or affects others, it's so crazy to even think about it - that's why it's nice try to have a positive impact on others, as you really don't know what something small you do might lead to. 🤯
and what do you think is the meaning of life?
I feel the whole human experience is like a database in a sense, human as a whole keep exploring what's possible in this realm, some managed to see and document their travels, which led to much learning and new discoveries; some discovered great medicine or composed amazing music, then all of these cool people paved the path and show what's possible for the late borns; so for me, the meaning of life is mostly learning, exploring, and passing down the knowledge, so others can do better with your experience, and of course to have fun in between.
the meaning of life is mostly learning, exploring, and passing down the knowledge, so others can do better with your experience, and of course to have fun in between.
That's as good as any other answer I've heard.