

Summary & Purpose:

I'm starting to step out on my own to freelance with a goal in mind to build a small technology consulting company. Right now, there is just a foggy, fledgling vision, but I have ideas around eventually experimenting with building a bitcoin-only company where invoices, salaries and treasuries are on BTC as much as possible. Also thoughts to layer in an experimental community structure to the business, sharing company ownership, profits and responsibilities through an emergent and organic structure. A setup like this sounds risky and unprecedented, certainly prime for learning many hard lessons, but I find some of the narrative in the modern business world quite sickening when companies market themselves as a big family, but when it comes time for layoffs or salary negotiation, "it's just business". I would like to experiment to create a "Network State"-like company where participation, profits and responsibility are shared in a way where people collaborating in the company are truly valued personally as well as professionally. It sounds a little crazy, maybe like some neo-form of socialism or communism, and perhaps learning how to avoid similar pitfalls maybe be part of the process. But I think there is an opportunity under a hard money standard for organizations and people in them to value each other differently and better as humans when creating together, and I would like to try somehow.

Help I'll need:

  • Regular clients
  • Frontend developer
  • Designer
But TBH, still in very much in pipe-dream stage. Posting this here in case it inspires others, gauging interest or just writing it up for my own benefit.
