We cannot beat them, as some believe, by just ranting (plenty of ‘influencers’ do that already) we need to take steps to protect ourselves and engage our communities on the issues as they become apparent.
There are some who, in response to the ‘you’ll own nothing and be happy’ essay sent death threats to the author; Danish politician Ida Auken. Regardless of her politics, her personal views or visions of the future we must be better than merely screaming at these people. They will match threats of violence with increased control and further violence. We have to engage and confront their arguments IMHO.
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that is absolutely correct. so far we are playing the cards of media work, which we should not underestimate, because the mood is created by the media. quite well. the protests are the beginning, if a spicy economic crisis is added, the whole thing can of course escalate, how it then goes on the devil knows