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It is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish cöown news from the Matrix from real propaganda and actual politics. A ''Bild'' newspaper article warns of a possible military conflict between Poland and Russia. It's no longer clear whether there are madmen at work here or whether there's a method to scaring the people.
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oooooor... russia is in fact in preparation for invading/attacking some parts of europe - and he will claim self defence.
As close as I life to the border - the scenario of a russian attack is real. There is no fear-mongering.
Look what Putin is doing to the Ukraine - its not the other way around!
You need to put all what happened into perspective. the attacks and deaths of people of Russian origin in luhansk and the Donbass were real. there were thousands of them.
This sound to me like - you approve the action in the Ukraine.
And all the pro Putin propaganda - its terrible for me and all the people involved in this mess. And yes Putin and Russia is to blame for it - there is no way around that.
yes, it was clear that this would happen as soon as you withdraw to a neutral position in order to put things into a historical and geopolitical context. i am German, live in Spain and describe myself politically as a libertarian. But it doesn't help if you absorb the one-sided propaganda and, as soon as a discussion is possible, you stifle it with a knock-down, drag-out argument about being a Putin-versteher.
Which is moral/amoral
Putin-versteher NATO-versteher
By the way, what is 'cöown news' :D
It's complicated.
Sorry. ''Clown News'' (fat finger syndrom)
Versteher is s.o. sympathizing with s.o. idea. In this case with an asshole. Normally, germans directly call me a Nazi if I take a stance opposite to their gov
I've been skeptical of the constant Russia fear-mongering, but that skepticism applied to them invading Ukraine, too.
I still don't think Putin has ambitions to conquer Europe militarily. He also doesn't have that ability, unless we've been wildly misled about the cost of current the war to Russia.
That's more or less how I see it. But Russia seems stronger than anticipated.
And, I think NATO seemed weaker than even its critics anticipated.
That's obvious. These economies are running out of steam
Its clear fear-mongering. I have no love for Putin, but imagine this scenario:
  • The US disintegrates and balkanizes into separate regions.
  • One of those regions, say Florida becomes very pro-China (after China funds pro-China president)
  • The remaining US announces that any further incursion of Chinese forces into Florida could spark a war
  • China announces it would like to include Florida in its military alliance and move nuclear missiles to the Florida - Georgia border...
Does anyone not see that this is a terrible setup that is poised for war? The idea that western forces should be deeply involved in this conflict is absurd. I feel for the Ukrainian people and fully support their right to self-defense. However, the US should not be involved in this....
Yes, you're right. above all, I also see these efforts by the Davos clique to drive America into a secession-like conflict in order to distract attention from Europe's weaknesses.
When Has Poland 🇵🇱 prepared for war ?
Their sovereignty has depended on Prussia, Germany, Austria, Russia, etc
They were building up since the Maidan 2014
The situation is difficult to parse, but this podcast episode of Unherd provides three interesting views on the subject. https://fountain.fm/episode/V6OGfjswuJVNBBcF5u4k
Thank You. I'll listen later