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This sound to me like - you approve the action in the Ukraine.
And all the pro Putin propaganda - its terrible for me and all the people involved in this mess. And yes Putin and Russia is to blame for it - there is no way around that.
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yes, it was clear that this would happen as soon as you withdraw to a neutral position in order to put things into a historical and geopolitical context. i am German, live in Spain and describe myself politically as a libertarian. But it doesn't help if you absorb the one-sided propaganda and, as soon as a discussion is possible, you stifle it with a knock-down, drag-out argument about being a Putin-versteher.
Which is moral/amoral
Putin-versteher NATO-versteher
By the way, what is 'cöown news' :D
It's complicated.
It's really like that. For some hundred years. Try to put the UK into the ecuation and it really gets wild.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @xz 6 Feb 2024
Yeah. I hope you didn't take that as a serious question.
I feel that behind the mask there's just a reality that is simply 'business friends group 1 and 2'. Both say they have moral high ground and throw shit at each other.
People who see things with slightly more nuance get lambasted for not being patriotic enough or simply not hating the enemy enough, and the media churns out rhetoric but never elude to the consortium of interests on both sides of the equation.
The UK (with other 'Western' nations) gets more shit flung at it these days because of its collective colonialist history. Nothing new there, I doubt Mongolian nomadic tribes were very popular when they raped and pillaged from China to Europe.
The US/NATO axis gets shit flung at it for obvious transgressions. PR.China claims that there is too much anti-Chinese sentiment in the world. Why, China is an angel. No? Russia, via Putin is the evil arch-villain we all must hate with scorn and derision.
One thing that is abundantly clear to me, from the Baltic to The Straits of Gibraltar, Europe gets pummeled by Business group 1 and Business group 2's shit throwing contest. Not to say that Europe is without it's own faults. I guess similar to an independent state like Taiwan, a superstate like the EU, tries it's best to navigate the conflict but is stuck in the middle regardless.
Some might say that in these situations the game is to play both sides. I think that's disingenuous. When you are relatively less powerful body nestled between larger opposing forces, you bend to the wind.
Good overview. I like to analyze with an historic background to gain perspective. It's sth most people are not used to any longer as MSM heats them up with propaganda.
Sorry. ''Clown News'' (fat finger syndrom)
Versteher is s.o. sympathizing with s.o. idea. In this case with an asshole. Normally, germans directly call me a Nazi if I take a stance opposite to their gov