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Okay, so the actual source seems to Douglas Rodriguez who is the President of the Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador https://twitter.com/douglas_rdzf
The reason this source matters, is because the government of El Salvador could be saying things just to make them look good. Something like confirmation from chainanlysis or perhaps just time will tell a better story.
It's good to be skeptical. Which tweet exactly from Douglas says this? I had a scroll and couldn't find it.
So in the tweet you have to click a link to the media broadcaster who did the interview and on their twitter, they have a YouTube video in Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrHAqDONvTg
Hold on, I'm gonna look for a translation solution
Here's a sneak peak at the translation. https://pastebin.com/QrTGHN26
Cost me $17 but hey in the name of evidence gathering here we go: https://odysee.com/-en--FRENTE-A-FRENTE-5-DE-JULIO-2022:4
The interviewer's name is Jose but the transcript says Joyce. I had to chuckle.
I admire those trying to get to the source of the information. Regardless of whether true, this has to 10x at least in the near future to be note-worthy.
That's a huge sum 😃
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