Sets an example nobody can follow
Why not? Other companies can follow, no?
If BTC will become a world reserve asset you would never need more than 1 since there is less than 21 million in total.
So everyone should stop accumulating at 1 BTC? And assume everyone else will, too? Will ETFs stop at 1 BTC? Will nation states stop at 1 BTC? You might have a better point if you restrict it to individuals since Microstrategy is a company but even then I would assume that if you reach 1 BTC, you yourself are not going to stop accumulating, either.
He doesn't seem to have the patience to wait for a dip to buy even tho hes supposedly long term bullish
If you're long term bullish, you don't need to wait for dips. You will just buy now. Time in the market > timing the market.