same, but mine is a different way than yours; you are more like to argue, I don't like argueing with people, but for fun maybe... but then it depends on how funny the other party is, but most people don't worth the time...
I like finding loopholes to solve problems:)
When was the last time you ate outside?
yesterday! 😂 I couldn't resist to eat a Tavuk ƞiƟ ( chicken ƞiƟ) , so delicious.
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949 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek OP 7 Feb
mine is a different way than yours; you are more like to argue, I don't like argueing with people,
I would like to argue about that! :)
I like finding loopholes to solve problems:)
Mhh, good point. I might indeed sometimes not be sure what problem I am trying to solve in arguments with some people đŸ€”
yesterday! 😂 I couldn't resist to eat a Tavuk ƞiƟ ( chicken ƞiƟ) , so delicious.
Now you need to learn how to make one on your own!
I hope, I'm more confident in making different veggies dishes atm, and I normally go out to eat meat, mostly kebap and kofe, so delicious - kofte is doable at home, but not sure about the kebab.
but then I keep thinking to myself, okay if I can figure Bitcoin, cooking shouldn't be that HARD! I think I've learned the base of most homecook Turkish dishes, cracking the code atm. đŸ€“