Stock market is a scam, been saying this for years.
  • Every time some stock crashes, trading is halted.
  • You can't trade pre/after hours, but suit guys somehow can.
  • Companys can issue more shares, diluting your holdings.
  • Your broker can ban you at any time, for any reason, or block you from executing buy/sell orders "for your safety".
  • You are forced to sell at any moment. Just see what happened with Twitter, if you had shares you were forced to sell because of Elon Musk.
  • There is insider trading and corruption everywhere.
Sell everything and go bitcoin.
The real problem with the stock market isn't the issues you mention. These are issues but not the root problem. Its the fact that people trust it. It would be better if it was completely wildcat. Buyer beware. Fewer people would be in it. This would organically lead to self regulation and transparency to attract investment. Stock markets have utility but not when centrally controlled and "regulated" by corrupt systems.