we'll add splicing whenever LDK supports it.
every wallet with embedded LSPs will eventually have terms and conditions. the largest and most reliable LSPs will become companies, and opening a channel is a service being provided by a company, after all!
₿ the change! Contribute to FOSS! How can Synonym help LDK get splicing?
Why wouldn't a company focus everything on the biggest problem? Why would any employee settle to work on anything less than the biggest problem at the company?
If the biggest problem is trying not to get sued or finding the right words or phrasing for your legal contracts and terms for compliance, sorry, you're doing it wrong. What would satoshi do?
Contribute to FOSS!
Synonym literally maintains React Native LDK, and everything we develop is open-source.
Why wouldn't a company focus everything on the biggest problem?
Who said we aren't? Changing the sats symbol required only a few hours and a few lines of code from one single developer. Our main priorities remain!