71 sats \ 1 reply \ @gd 8 Feb
I’m not sure if you expected that tweet to make this concept less confusing, but implying that people will “know” is a bad assumption.
The purpose of the symbol is to enhance the number with all the information required to clearly communicate the price/value.
Not only does using one symbol for multiple prices cause unnecessary confusion, it’s a regression in user experience from the sat symbol.
This gets even worse when you add the (even more) confusion between wallets that’s been introduced here.
If your premise for this is that people will “know” how much I’m charging (which is an incredibly faulty premise) then, in my opinion it is actually even better with no symbol at all for BTC/sats/mBTC.
but implying that people will “know” is a bad assumption
They'll learn when they send 10000 sats from one wallet and receive ₿10000 in another.
Not only does using one symbol for multiple prices
Very few wallets use ₿ as a currency symbol. They mostly display "BTC". Besides, decimals are impractical, so we don't need ₿ as a currency symbol for it. Sats is the standard.
it’s a regression in user experience from the sat symbol.
The vast majority of wallets allow users to see the value of their balance in fiat.