Good Morning

Good Morning, Stackers!

My Progress Today

Today I didn't do anything, yet. Literally, I didn't do squat. But the day is not over and I had to weigh in whether I wanted to skip this post, do my workout or just hide. I figured that it was more important to do this post because then I had a whole day like everyone else to line up my SPS (Squats, Pushups, and Situps) or in the case of this original challenge, the great, almighty, Push-up!
As this post is short I would like to remind everyone, including myself, that every day we have struggles. Struggles are the condition of the realm we live in. We also have freedom because of these struggles. We may think that w don't have choice but we always have choice.
The more organized we are the better choices we can make. In the case of freedom, if we believe that our choices are limited to the gifts of others then we are slaves. So let us not be slaves. Let us accept the challenge and get into the challenge. Let us also learn from the challenge and get organized.
I like to point out the ancient cultures, words and symbols our our culture because this these are the tools with which we have overcome many obstacles. Unfortunately there are attempts by others to have us erase our culture and cultures. Be careful of all things paid for by fiat currency. Especially be careful of "free" information. With Stacker, we don't have free information. We have to spend some work to obtain it. We can give it away out of kindness but no one is paying for it accept the ones who post it!
I guess there could be a psy-op and maybe there are but it's an expensive one. The attack vector is quite huge and shitty spam is dismissed quickly.
So, friends, have a great day. I will report back throughout the day on my progress and I hope you will share yours, too! Your sharing motivates me and makes me want to keep going. Try to overcome the obstacles that make their way into your mind and heart. Do the simple things that you can and build momentum. Brush your teeth. Make your bed. Do some simple tasks and build on them.
Have a great day!

Shout out to @grayruby

If you are wondering what the #100aDayTill100k is about please refer to @grayruby and the post: 100 a day until 100k

Roll Call:


  1. Thor vs. Zeus: A Comparative Analysis of Thunder Gods -
this territory is moderated
Mission Accomplished. I was dragging my wagon all day. So much better with a workout start.
100 squats, 100 pushups, 100 situps
I did my step up and step down routine and it was tough but not impossible.
Here's what my step program is #415227
I would like to thank the following for keeping up with this today!
And also yesterday's pushers
You all make me want to keep up the momentum!
See you tomorrow!
God damn time differences 😜 I got after it last night after work. But up your pyramid this time round.
And then doubled up for today prior to going and crushing legs 💪💪 in the gym this morning.
Nice work. What time zone?
You're from the future!
Yep, and I can tell you, it's bleak. The whole future. Bleak. And raining. Always raining.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @jgbtc 9 Feb
Finished mine just now. Later than usual for me as well.
I didn't feel good until I did mine and that was my signal to make it an process and to make sure I get plenty of sleep.
I got into a new local Bitcoin group and the whole thing blew up so fast that I was in the Fomo mode of watching the dialogue of everyone on NOSTR, signal, telegram that my brain nearly exploded. So I had to this post evening hide my phone from my nightstand.
That's the spirit. Thank you for checking in.
12 days of 100 pushups until $100k down. Undetermined to go. 8 days of 100 squats until $100k down. Undetermined to go.
Go go go go good 💯
Mission accomplished 100 squats, pushups and situps.
I'm one set of 25 in today.
How dare you?
Mission accomplished 100 squats, pushups and situps.
Did my 100 yesterday. 40-60, went 60 on the evening set because I decided to switch it up and make it two sets a day so there won't be a third set for me to forget. Will go 50-50 starting today.
50 down for today so far, 50 remain to do when I get home from work.
Mission accomplished 100 squats, pushups and situps.
Nice work!
I just weighed myself 189.4 pounds.
I was 206 a year ago.