Hi, Bitcoiners
I recently moved to iPhone and was looking for a Bitcoin wallet that is open-source and supports Native Segwit support for sending and receiving.
Based on my research I found BlueWallet really nice.
Do you happen to know any other wallets that works well with iPhone? Let me know in the comments
I like green wallet
I like green wallet too , but it seems to be missing some useful features like, offline transaction and sweeping private key from paper wallet etc. Also app wont open if there is no internet connection.
At least in BlueWallet I'm able to create a transaction offline and share the transaction hash via NFC or text message
You should be able to enter an old wallet with Green.
Haven't tried without internet
You can check out this post I made a while ago. It's a list of open source lightning wallets with a short description.
All of them are great, I think most are supported in iOS.
For Lightning there are good apps in iOS, but I was referring to the Layer-1 (Main chain) wallet
Muun is a good one. Is primarily an on-chain wallet, but can also send and receive LN payments.