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Find another job and invest ghat in bitcoin
Work hard, stay humble and stack sats. Don't fall for easy money schemes
Thanks mate..
3k sats in 15 days is like $1.5 or $0.1 per day. Why don't you get a job and convert the fiat you get into bitcoin? You'd make what you made here several times over.
I have a family business which I just oversee and other family members aren't interested in Bitcoin. I am also writing on other platforms such as publish and earn a few Sats from there as well. Also do a bit of faucets and earn a little from staking and trading ..
I have a family business which I just oversee and other family members aren't interested in Bitcoin
Not sure what that is supposed to mean. Your "business" has zero revenue, or your family doesn't allow you to spend the revenue of your business? You don't have a business then, you're a slave.
My business has so much revenue that we can only pay bills and have a very little amount to save for emergency.
Yupp, it works..I am kinda casual writer. Have earned 3k sats in 15 days or so. I will try to be serious though. Thanks ...
The main thing is you can stack more through your work from here on. If you're serious enough you'll make it.