I know @AnyoneOReally1 on Twitter is fond of zero fee routing but I haven't gotten too involved in this space yet.
Added him to my list. He seems to retweet the two nodes i mentioned above a lot. Thanks
Yes, not much active here recently. But than you for thinking of me. The node in its current form is up and running for 112 days at the moment, but always using the latest C-Lightning so it may break (though it did not break for more than a year, see the node's version history at ln.fiatjaf).
By the way, anyone is welcome in the Bitcoin #kitchen, which happens to be at https://letsmeet.no/at5tea-9idqbmfc at 5 P.M. UTC on Mondays-Thursdays (but now special holidays edition every day until the end of year 2021). Low threshold, no camera needed. If you just want to text, connect at that time to the chat. Full disclosure: I am at home alone, house-sitting for friends so will be happy for long-time-preference company to talk to.