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The Universal Good Deal

Alien white people from outer-space invade Earth armed with amazing deals and low, low prices.

They’re selling lava lamps, fanny packs, water beds, and more and everyone’s buying it. Wouldn’t you? It’s from outer-space! Made by Aliens! And everything’s on sale. It’s a steal.
But the Aliens only take cash.
It’s up to a marketing genius, a bosomy politician, and a genuinely nice guy to figure out what the Aliens really want before we all become the product.
Can humanity survive the most effective advertising campaign ever created or will the Aliens make a real killing?
Available now on @SN!
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@cleophas I couldn't resist! Such a great book deserved a proper INDEX!
  • now that all chapters are published, why not add a hyperlink with Continue to Next Chapter as pinned comment on each chapter? It will make it much easier to navigate
  • What about a little title for each chapter for next edition?