pull down to refresh

Sure, but try getting other people to use those secure comms...
Also I am always down to find a better way if anyone has suggestions. I just think email is so well known by users that its hard to simply have them modify their flow.
I think a lot of it is laziness. I've had to re-learn internet tech probably millions of times at this point. The average person doesn't want to do that or understand the need for it up until something bad happens and by then it is too late.
100% a part of it. Our willingness to rip it all out and start over is likely why we are sharing this exchange. :)
Many people don't care until they have too
Resilience is one part patience, one part how many times can I build this house and have it fall down before I get somewhere that is stable...
Exactly. I have instructions on specific tools to use. I have tried the same process with email and it never goes well. People have their tool chains for email. Give good instructions on a new tool chain and you set them on a path for success.