I'm curious about lightning node profitability, yield, and other stats. I've seen some stats/screenshots floating around on twitter, here, and elsewhere.
Does anyone have some sort of list, links, benchmarks for fees earned by node operators?
Something like this dashboard, but also with fees earned? (h/t @kr) #40080 https://lqwdfintech.com/lightning-netowrk-stats/
Or other dashboards, screenshot, link collections?
Another great example is from Steven Ellis, who posts some great newsletter updates (and a new charting platform):
(h/t @moon): #42190
I think LQWD’s dashboard is the most detailed dashboard a company has published, but there are a few other good places to find less frequent updates.
LNMarkets is approaching 500 BTC routed through their node.
Steven Ellis shares monthly routing node updates and keeps getting more and more profitable with each passing month. Steven shares a detailed breakdown of revenues and costs which is really cool.
Fwiw I earned way more sats on SN than I ever did routing.
Yeah, unless you use hundreds of bitcoin to open hundreds of well connected channels and get a balanced inbound and outbound liquidity... you aren't going to make much on sats routing. Also need to use software to automate the rebalancing and fees adjustments.
I see it more as a hobby/ enthusiast thing to do and monitor in a nearly altruistic way.
I have spent more sats on fees because of channels opening and closing than sats earnt.
I am in this same position. I run nodes because it’s my new found hobby. Fascinated by this tech!!
I'm very curious in all of this too - it seems that there would be more 'money' or yield to be made this early in the game though for putting up capital and doing all of the hardwork, experimentation, and offsetting risk to run a successful routing node?
Or conversely put, is there enough incentive to keep the network decentralized, encourage new nodes/routers? Or is this even necessary?
The tech here is incredible and it's so interesting to see how everything works.
I'm thinking to make a "serious" (I don't have hundreds of bitcoin lol) go at trying routing for a while just to get a first hand experience and learning with all of this.
Thanks for sharing all of this
My node is online for just three weeks. So far, my node is doing great and is able to recoup the operational cost.
Public Capacity: 1,188,256,886 7-Day Routed: 1,396 Value: 322,281,570 Fees Earned: 140,838 Fee PPM: 437
This is very helpful - thanks for sharing
My now-defunct node was earning about 30 to 40k net sats in routing fees before I had to shut it down.
At the same time, you have no way of verifying these and any other one's claims on earnings. As it's supposed to be.
How long did it take until it malfunctioned and what kind of hatdware did you use?
My raspberry pi is at an average of 70° Celsius with passive cooling. I feel it's getting older and warmer every day ☹
It didn't really malfunction. Although having nearly 200 channels might not have been the most reasonable choice for a rPi.
The reason I had to retire it is because of a corrupted channel.db partially linked to the recent botched Umbrel 0.5 update. The only way to recover my funds was to SCB force close all my channels.