pull down to refresh

I have downloaded core lightning because lnd closes the channels, I realized that the node id is not the same as the lnd node id, it shows the name of another user, I deleted core lightning and downloaded it again and now it shows the name of another different user how do I solve it? I am using umbrel
You cannot transfer nodes from one implementation to another.
I am not trying to transfer nodes from one implementation to another, I am trying to solve why when installing core lightning the name of another user that is not my node appears every time I install core lightning...
I realized that the node id is not the same as the lnd node id
For the node_id to be the same, the same keys would have to be used. A lightning node is defined by it's private keys and state (commitment transactions). What @TonyGiorgio meant when he said you can't transfer nodes across implementations is that you can't transfer keys and state easily from lnd to core lightning, thus the node_id will not be the same.
I deleted core lightning and downloaded it again and now it shows the name of another different user
If you uninstalled and re-installed core lightning, then you generated a new set of keys. It's not showing another user's information, it's showing you newly generated information
What about a CLN node from umbrel to S9?
Doesn't matter from where to where. If you remove CLN and install it again, you need to do a recovery. Read https://docs.corelightning.org/docs/backup and https://docs.corelightning.org/docs/recovery.
I will create a node with Start 9
What kind of name are you talking about? Do you see a person's name ("This is Anna Smith's node")?