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Still reading online of people complaining about appl and gogle app distribution monopolies.
I feel things are changing and however it will go, I feel there's less and less space and reward to build apps for mobiles stores. I'm still seeing the appstores as a mere marketing tools, but apart that, do they serve any other function on top of all limitations, terms and policies we need to agree to have our app there?
Just want to remember us all that we are in power to decide and vote with our own actions. Build and use PWA on your devices, whenever the option is available. Don't let the few gatekeepers in this sector take your data.
No notifications? Who cares! Do we really need them to bother and distract us from whatever we are concentrated doing?
Mobile apps are part of the past... Build and use the open web, not for the stores!
PWAs can have notifications. SN’s does - albeit, there are some minor hiccups here and there
I like the minor hiccups and your optimism :) thanks
any idea why i sometimes get SN push notifs as i would expect and i sometimes only get them after i open the app?
The web is ideal in a number of ways, but until we can store secrets securely in a browser, we'll need native apps.
This is also about trust right? What do you trust more, your browser (for pwa’s) or your operating system (for native apps)?
Pretty sure smartphones have had secure elements for some years now (like Samsung Knox), it's just that they use it for proprietary security measures (like storing biometrics) and have not made them available to app developers.
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examples? are you referring to storage VS browser cache?
I understand from an integration perspective, native apps have better (direct) access to hardware and sensors that webapp may not have without authorization.
Storing your nostr key for SN to sign stuff with. Storing E2E messaging keys. Basically any key material or sensitive data that you don't want stored on a server.
... and isn't encrypted local storage safe enough?
for nostr I agree is still early, but nos2x and Alby are doing great on desktop browser. I'll be not surprised if they extend to mobile soon.
maybe browser extension on mobile? Seen Nostore doing some interesting experiment on appl devices
Safari on iOS doesn't support extensions and requiring another app be installed can be frictionful. It is still early.
Nostore as a Safari extension does the job well, but does not work in a PWA.
Did you say PWA? I’ve created a few of those. Check them out on the Bullish Apps page. 😎
Cool stuff!
Disclaimer: I like web browsers, I just don't like my apps running inside them when I have the option to go native :D
In my career, I have built a handful of PWAs and many native apps, so here are my two cents on web apps.
The web browser is terrible for anything more complex than a simple HTML site with a few dynamic elements. It offers:

Subpar Usability

  • Different browsers have different rendering engines, so what looks and feels good on a new iPhone running Safari might not (and probably won't) look and feel the same on my old Xiaomi running Firefox Nightly. To be fair, this is also the case with native apps sometimes, but the differences are more subtle and more manageable.

Terrible Performance

  • Even poorly coded native apps easily blow PWAs out of the water;
  • Most browsers take several seconds to load on low-spec devices. Stacker News takes as much time as Twitter to load on my device, which is between 15 and 30 seconds.

Terrible Security

  • Lack of secure storage (see @koob's answer);
  • Your code runs on a browser, which is a slow beast more complicated than a full operating system, so who knows what's happening in runtime. Of course, the same could be said about native apps because they run on top of complicated operating systems, but at least it's one layer less than a PWA, which introduces an additional layer by running within a browser on top of the OS.
  • Etc...

Terrible Developer Experience

  • Buggy tooling;
  • Terrible debugging experience due to JavaScript;
  • TypeScript offers better debugging capabilities but is not a language I would call good.
  • Etc...
Maybe WebAssembly will fix these issues (except for slow browser loading), but then what's the point? Why not just make it native instead.
Also, HTMX is really promising and might help with some of the issues above.
gogle app distribution monopolies
This is not correct
Please check out this initiative / demo
Build by a fellow Dutch developer https://www.dannymoerkerke.com/
That's a nice one to increase PWA potential! really useful, thanks
This completely, once I saw Mutiny doing PWA, I was ehh at first but after trying it and seeing where things could head with Apple and Google, PWA apps and them getting better feels like the way to go.
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Same. I’ve slowed down on using Mutiny after figuring out how to setup my own lightning node but I imagine I’ll be messing with it again soon enough.
Wondering how far would Apple go to keep their walled garden. I'm not an iOS user nor I'm in the EU, so not sure how they nerfed PWAs. But hopefully it will not be enough to let people use them as a freedom tool!
As far as their users let them. Most iOS users I know don't even consider another option so it's going to take some pretty disgusting behavior.
i always try pwa first now.
Fuck walled gardens.
If you're a bitcoiner who is still building software that i can only get from these closed source authoritarian rent-seekers then shame on you!!
Building a self-hostable system that backends a PWA is extra awesome.
Let people run free, private, unruggable software
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