Great project, the UI is really cute. I would love to implement it for my kids. I'm not a highly technical person but I run an Umbrel node with LNBits. I've actually created dedicated wallets for my kids there. Some kind of basic guide would be highly appreciated!
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OK, still working on making it much easier than this (which I know is still a lot of potentially confusing steps), but this is definitely easier than before. If you download this repository and then follow the instructions in the README, you'll be able to convert your kids' LNBITS wallets into desktop piggy banks. Let me know if you have any questions!
Thank you very much Jason, I'll take a look and let you know!
OK, after starting to write out an explanation, I realized I need to make this easier. I'm going to try to turn it into a desktop app. Right now, you can deploy the code on your own, but you need to know how to do that. I run a few instances for people in my family, but that requires me having access to the keys to their LNBITS wallets, which you obviously wouldn't want to do. I'll try to turn this into a desktop app ASAP and get back at you. In the meantime, you need to deploy the code yourself to run it.
Thanks! I’ll try to make a video tomorrow to explain setting it up as best as I can.