Hi everyone and thanks for taking your time to read this. Short introduction, I'm just an average crypto enthusiast who wants to learn a bit more about Lightning Network and everything that can be built on it.
When I found SN for the first time I barely knew hoy transactions worked over LN and didn't even know you could sign or login with your wallet, which I found amazing. (Note that I knew you could do that on other blockchains with Smart Contracts and bla bla bla, but not onto Bitcoin). So, long story short, I got here and everyone was talking super techy stuff and to be honest, I understand maybe half of it.
This led me to this post, a request to (collectively?) build a pinned-on-top-post with articles and useful info for everyone who wants to introduce themself into Lightning Network.
What do you think? Is it worth it? Thanks.
Jameson Loop website has a lot of resources about bitcoin and lightning network.
You can start in there.
Mailing lists are also a good source of information.
The Git repo of each implementations is also useful. Besides the help with any issue you have with the software. You have links to sources of information. Like:
Core Lightning
"Any help testing the implementation, reporting bugs, or helping with outstanding issues is very welcome. Don't hesitate to reach out to us on IRC at #lightning-dev @ libera.chat, #c-lightning @ libera.chat, or on the implementation-specific mailing list c-lightning@lists.ozlabs.org, or on the Lightning Network-wide mailing list lightning-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org, or on Discord core-lightning, or on Telegram Core Lightning."
" Finally, we also have an active Slack where protocol developers, application developers, testers and users gather to discuss various aspects of lnd and also Lightning in general."
" #lnd @ irc.libera.chat"
Don't forget to check the websites, twitter and telegram too.
These are only two of the LN implementations. In Lopp website you can find the other ones.
But in the end the best way to learn is install the software and use it.
love the idea of crowd-sourcing useful lightning network links.
there should definitely be a spot for new visitors who want to learn more about lightning, not sure it should be pinned to the top for everyone at all times though.
jameson lopp has a pretty good lightning network guide on his site, and the alby guys have a cool makers.bolt.fun site highlighting new products in the space.
is this the kind of content you had in mind?
Yes, exactly! One would expect everyone who gets into SN should have some basic knowledge about LN but if the plan is to reach a larger amount of users it won't be always the case.
Best gaming store ever https://joltfun.com/
excellent service to create LNURL pay https://ln.cash/
bitrefill, no introduction needed https://www.bitrefill.com/
exchanges fixedfloat.com sideshift.ai/
Thats what I use...