Where does? I'm travelling ES at the moment with a car, and have spent time in Sonsonante, Libertad and Santa Ana. I'm open to further suggestions.
Isn't there some shady coffee shop somewhere around there that has a bitcoin sticker on the door as an afterthought?
Probably😝. If you can find/remember a name or location I'll go check it out and report back. I'm here on a Bitcoin fact-finding mission, so community input helps me cover as many bases as possible 🤙🏼
(Also, as far as I've seen so far, Bitcoin knowledge and interest is pretty much zero outside the La Libertad surf zone... I meant what I said when I asked for suggestions about where I can go or what I can do to get to see the 'real underground' 😋).
Good on you for meaning what you say. It's rare these days.