Everything takes time as they say. People were not quick to accept credit cards over cash in the 1950s/ early 60s. People definitely weren’t quick to use online banking in the early 2000s vs going into the branch.
Once the better option is introduced, it’ll grow with education and time. These are the early days right.
Totally agree with you you. The only problem is that I will be living in heavens, hopefully I will find bitcoin and LN very active there! ➕ 🙏 😇
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @KLT 14 Feb
Man! I hope we’re all alive to see where things end up 🙏🏾
In comparison to other technologies, it seems like the BTC adoption curve, once it clicks, will have a much faster acceleration.
Don't worry, I will! I plan to live 99.9 years on this planet, so hoping the technology will be adjusted until then for mass adoption! :)) 😂
Totally. Onwards and upwards 🤙🏼