top territories

You can view top territories now. via @mz
Additionally, we've added numbers to top stackers as requested by @benwehrman

linked accounts in stacker profiles

🚨 first time contributor alert
When you link github/twitter/nostr auth to your account, you can opt-in to display them in your profile. via @alex_lewin. Note: you may need to unlink and relink existing auth methods if you want to do this.
This was requested by @metamick most notably.

deeper bolt11 deletion

🚨 first time contributor alert
We absolutely nuke deleted bolt11's by also deleting them on our lightning node. via @dillon

lnd autowithdraw maximally restricted macaroon

If you know how to bake your own macaroons, you can now use lnd for autowithdraw with only invoices:read and invoices:write perms in addition to the already supported prebaked invoice.macarron.
Requested and specified by @RocketNode

detailed validation of NWC strings

As heading via @ekzyis

bug fixes

Fix missing saloon comments in profile via @ekzyis
2 more first time contributors?! awesome!!
563 sats \ 2 replies \ @kr 15 Feb
~builders is the current revenue leader, will be interesting to watch territory owners learn from each other and compete for revenue
Sounds like a irl version of The Hunger Games haha
may the best territories win!
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @gmd 15 Feb
Numbering 👌 (now i don't have to count my place in the rankings lol)
Damn it's unfortunate not to see ~agora on the list. The creator, @mo, and the moderators there do a great job. There's a ton of post volume there but unfortunately it's not a place where zapping large (or any) amount is common.
Thanks a lot, appreciate your words and support. We are cooking slowly! Most of the posts are currently generated by us with the aim to showcase what's possible and explore different possibilities.
Am glad to see it on position 27... 21 would have been more appreciated 😆
It's in the list. The ~agora team is low time preference and appreciate how hard this is.
You're telling me there's a leaderboard!!??!!??? ~Music Stackers assemble we have a leaderboard to top! You can't create a competitive environment and not expect me to jump in head first 🤣
Stacked is the same as spent ?
Yall stay shipping!
You guys work fast 👍
Do you ever stop shipping? Lfg
My NWC shows a red light, my LND connection and my LNBits repeatedly "fails to attach"... :-(
My NWC shows a red light
Can you unattach and retry if you didn't already? It should validate the connection string in more detail now. It also shouldn't close the form if no connection to the wallet was possible--but seems like it might do anyway for some reason. Which browser are you on?
We might need to add some opt-in client-side logging1 to find out what is going wrong for some stackers.
  1. It already exists but only logs push notification issues.
I've tried with Brave, Firefox and Chrome but I still get the same red light.
209 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek fwd 16 Feb
What's confusing is that it works for me on Brave, Firefox and Chrome.
What operating system and which browser version are you running?
  • MacOS 14.2.1: Safari 17.2.1, Brave v 1.62.165, Chrome 121.0.6167.184
  • Windows 11 64 bits: Brave v 1.62.165, Firefox v 122.0.1, Chrome 121.0.6167.162
  • Android 10: Brave Nightly 1.64.72, Firefox 122.1.0
  • Mullvad VPN, but still get issues when it is disabled.
Do you get anything in the browser console?
Uncaught (in promise) CompileError: WebAssembly.compile(): at o.fromBase64 (content-script.js:2:2534119) at content-script.js:2:2534319 at I.a (content-script.js:2:2857805) at 39718 (content-script.js:2:2533793) at I (content-script.js:2:2857284) at content-script.js:2:2836069 at I.a (content-script.js:2:2857805) at 4690 (content-script.js:2:2835546) at I (content-script.js:2:2857284) at content-script.js:2:2505330
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b OP 15 Feb
Aha it is a wasm thing! Thanks!
Thank you for your support! Keep up the good work! :-)
Great work!!
I wonder why stacked and spent give exactly the same numbers... How are they supposed to the same or different?
Might be a bug. They should differ some
Is it because of an exact 50-50 split right now? Trying to remember how territories work in that regard…