It’s an experiment. If it doesn’t make content better, we’ll change it
it encourages upvoting things only because a lot of people did/a lot of sats were given. so if there is yet another ama all users give these people their sats only to get a fraction back
Oh, that's right, I didn't think of this.
Upvoting a post/comment that has already been upvoted guarantees that there are at least 2 users upvoting it. That could discourage being the first person to upvote.
You get rewarded significantly less if you upvote an item later. Early upvoters are highly rewarded. Your upvote rewards are basically proportional to 1/x where X is 1 if you were first to upvote, 2 if you were second, and so on.
how early they upvoted the content relative other users