If stacker.news continues to grow and handles it well i think it will turn the social media landscape upside down. ppl are not going to settle for measly likes or karma going forward then.
All the LN-scape sites are cool (this one especially), but I fear even in a hyperbitcoinization scenario where everyone has access to a LN wallet, maybe people would prefer the "totally free, no money involved, ad-driven" sites. Just human nature.
Those websites will probably still have its place. For example blogs where people dont typically create a user to consume the content. But anywhere else, i think sats could replace the ad driven model, depending on how its implemented. Stacker.news has done a great job of integrating sats imo. Its fun, and seemless, they make a very good fit. And because of that ads will probably never be needed because they can monetize a % of the sats flowing on the website. But lets see
That's a great point and consistent with the idea that society will divide according to "psychographics" instead of "demographics". We didn't really have input into the ad-based business model, I think it took us all somewhat by surprise. We are now in the natural correction process to that, where value of social networks will accrue to the users. Exciting stuff.
While sites IG make millions women just get likes, I hope some guy is buying an alternative to IG where women(and men) could earn money and just a "thank you".