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Movie studios will need to compete on art and taste and creativity.
Generic content will be endless. Explosion and visual effects based movies won't keep up. Disney will get bankrupt.
And all of that is a good thing.
The individual is now the studio. Creativity explodes.
Here are sample videos:
Insane. Utterly insane. The world just changed fundamentally and it was an hour ago.
OMG indeed. I was expecting something like this in about a year or two. Now I wonder what the world is going to look like the next week.
After looking at this for 2 hours I think they did train a lot on Unreal Engine.
Like, there is something blender-esq to them. If they trained primarily on movies, you'd expect more cinematic and analog-grain looks. If it was lot of youtube you'd expect a more iphone-esq look.
I wonder if they have another internal AI that creates unreal engine setups programatically. Like generative adversarial networks but like 3-way.
Can we get a blind taste test on these because they all looked terribly fake to me but I knew they were fake going in.
Impressive they can do this but honestly was disappointed by the lack of realness. I am sure it will get better quickly.
The blind tests will be all around. The thing I hate is I'm going to be looking for glitches in new stuff for a while.
this feels like a big leap forward for creators, congrats to their team for pushing this out!
For creators ? Or rather making the clock tic on their business model?
i think this is a huge win for creators, it just changes the tools they’re working with.
written text just became more powerful than a $10k DSLR camera, the ones that learn to use it will win (and will probably create the most compelling digital art we’ve ever seen).
text just became more powerful than a $10k DSLR camera
I recently thought the exact same about the newest versions of midjourney and SDXL. They look so clean and ultra sharp which is otherwise only possible with high end setups. Fullframe camera and high quality lenses like Zeiss or SigmaArt or Hasselblad level. You can guess a photo is made by AI because it's sharper and better than an iphone
holy moly 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
Are you fucking kidding me.
These are so good they scare me... good if you're a content generator... bad if you're the average artist trying to make a living... Worry AI change is happening too fast for society to keep up... will be disrupting too many industries all at once.
What is the point of this comment? What does “too fast for society” actually mean? Not trying to me actually mean, but personally I want more insight.
What does “too fast for society” actually mean?
The boomers.
Many still don't grasp basic navigation of how to use a smartphone. The more they claim to be independent thinkers the more they take everything anybody writes on the internet at face value. They don't understand basic fact checking. They're easily fooled by the most obvious Photoshop job. They're not ready for actually good deepfakes.
And most frighteningly: the genZ Tiktok generation seems to be a step backwards on this after genX and Millenials.
I love seeing how much boomers hate being called boomers. It’s only those that really understand their position and what has happened that take offense.
But wouldn’t you be upset to realise that your whole life’s success, your whole life, is really only the result of maniacal central bank policy?
Sorry, don't want to be condescending on age. It's just the deep tech-illiteracy that is prevalent with older folks. And as I said coming up again with the young people.
Yup the deep fakes are scary but I'm actually scared about general job loss and deflation of people's careers.
These tools will not replace all artists but they might make a movie or a game studio need 3 artists instead of 30. Same for copywriters, paralegals etc. Plus the inevitable self driving cars and robots and kiosks replacing factory and other work.
I don't think our ability to come up with new jobs will keep pace, and people need a purpose.
Of course everyone says it will free people to do "more interesting" work but if you visit any poor rural area or a developing country you will find millions of people with the bandwidth to do more interesting work but no opportunity. There is already a dearth of quality white collar jobs. How do you retrain for a new career when you are 40 with a family to feed?
But if what 27 of these “artists” were really just doing grunt work to make the studio function…?
Perhaps we are freeing them up to actually be creative?
Liberating them from the treadmill of grinding one’s way to the top when instead the real talent can shine through as moats are filled in.
It’s not art related but once upon a time there was a whole job that was to go into the bank bond vault and physically tear off literal paper coupons from bonds and bring them up to the customer at the front desk who could redeem them for money.
Nobody is lamenting the loss of that job.
I wonder what that means for OpenAI. Investors must be salivating rn. If closedAI does ipo soon it'll be unprecedented chaos on financial markets.
Do some googling of decentralised AIs. OpenAI is way to restrictive from what I can tell. If I were and studio/individual I could pay a different platform (by the minute, I.e. Mistral, and in Bitcoin, mind) and have unfettered access to a more customised dataset. I think OpenAI ‘s days are numbered. They are too mainstream. What is the point of them? Bespoke AIs will dominate.
I like the idea.
  • With e.g. Auto1111 we can keep up on the image front
  • With mistral the free open source community is only slightly behind on text
  • On video we'll loose the battle tho. We simply don't have enough gpu compute.
That's what they want you to believe, but truth is they have no moat
It seems Sam wants to rival Nvidia with 7 trillion and has the backup of Microsoft, the guy is greedy.
In a few years we will be watching series and movies created by anons, like YT today but expanded to series and movie levels, or even completely generated by AI since it can learn what people like. Movie actors will be as common as theater actors nowadays, almost a niche. The world will change at a faster pace.
everything moves from fake to deep fake…
they should give him trillions to continue down that path of alternate reality so that the NPCs can be entertained. 🤪
Calling other people "NPCs" is a sign of lacking perspectival thinking and having a low IQ
Its impossible to look at these objectively when you know they are fake but they are not all equally believable. As with all of these technologies they are impressive but not so good you can't tell. If you are just causally watching then yeah they are all totally passable. The dog one is probably the most obvious to spot as fake.
All of that said these tools are getting better and better and just as we have seen in the past humans will get better and better and spotting fakes. Not boomers but younger people. There is a certain un-realness to all of the videos but the gap is getting smaller and smaller. Gonna be interesting.
One last thing. I don't trust OpenAI. These could be the best it can do for now. In practice it might be a lot easier to spot fakes.