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I bought this watering can for my bonsai (a citrus) . It helps to water all the ground without damaging it. And at the end, i ve decided to also use it for the rest of my plants . It avoids to put too much water in once and you can water all around the plant smoothly, gently :)
Look's pretty big for bonsai. How often do you water it?
in summer, twice a day in winter once a day or once every 2 days it depends of the ground if it s dry or not and bellow i have a plate to keep humidity :)
do you have a bonsai ?
just some plants, never tried with bonsai, but always fascinated about it. Have you bought like that, or you start from seed?
Actually it s the 4th bonsai that i ve . The citrus, it s a present (10years old) but i ve it for 1.5year. i ve been able to transplant it after the pot broke and keept it alive. My previous bonsai after i did a transplant, it died ( i believe i cut too much roots)
i ve tried also tu cut a branch of a rose to create a bonsai (but it did not work out) I will wait at the beginning of march to try one more time.