I want to share with you one of my favorite Kris Krisofferson songs along with two interpretations for the song’s meaning. Which do you think fits better, and which do you prefer?
Interpretation: The Cheater
Casey is headed home to his family late at night, taking as much time as he can, and remembering a tryst he just had with an old flame. The subway and the stink of the city are especially vile to him given what he has just done. At a bar, avoiding home like the many others there, he continues to regrett what he did, but he also feels the weight of what led him to do it in the first place.
Interpretation: Ghost
"Casey's Last Ride" delves into the haunting tale of Casey Jones, not about infidelity. The song paints a vivid picture of Casey Jones, a spirit trapped in the subways, haunted by a tragic accident.
The song's bridges offer poignant glimpses into the longing of Casey's lover, possibly his wife, who also feels the weight of solitude after the accident. The mention of Casey having a "family of his own" alludes to the collective tragedy, encompassing all those who perished alongside him.