Are you a creator of music?
If so, post links to your SoundCloud/YouTube/mixcloud/Instagram wherever you put your stuff. And let SNs Music Territory help promote your music!
Please also, if you can, post a sample track if you're going to link an entire channel please drop one track here aswell for us.
Looking forward to hearing your creations and supporting your music!
Don't forget you can now rent Pin space. Give your work the exposure it deserves for 5ksats a day or 25k for the week!
this territory is moderated
I tagged you on nostr regarding tunestr. Check it out. You might find some artists who want to promote their music. I still need to find someone to donate a pinned post for. On my list of things to do, I have not forgotten my commitment.
Great shout GR cheers. I'll go have a look see.