Google is envious of Microsoft training ai on open source code and getting money from developers paying for their own work in copilot again.
Can't wait to see "the fine print" I can already imagine something like "anything you type in here is a property of Google".... lol
For sure. Probably even with the "service" of compiling remote
There is always a risk this could end in Google Graveyard. Still salty what they did to Google Reader, Wave and Stadia.
I hope that developers are wary of something like this and not just eager to jump in and start sending every key stroke and clipboard to Google. I would like to use Copilot, but I'm just not OK with Microsoft (or Google or anyone else) getting my data. How do they keep sensitive data from being processed?
Codium is a thing for this.
Yea, but what Copilot equivalent is there? Codium and VS Code are great IDEs and the former simply removes all of the telemetry and non-free stuff of the latter. I want a Copilot-like software to run locally or self-hosted
Real pilots don't need robot co-pilots!
Real pilots use robot co-pilots (autopilots) though
Is Google trying to suggest that it might go open source with the new IDE, or just an attempt to create another fool's paradise.? ... Beware, Don't get fooled....