I’m curious as to what everyone’s thoughts are on lightning integration with social media… is it worth using? Would it be worth developing with? What’s the future look like?
I think there will be niche sites like stacker news that will provide a place for bitcoin based social media for now, if traditional social media doesn't capitulate to add lightning, they will be gobbled up by those that do as users migrate since friction is so low
Just look at fountain, it's just another wrapping for podcasts with a bitcoin native interface
I'm hopeful for Zion and Bluesky. Zion will be built on web5. Bluesky will be decentralized, though they haven't announced if they'll be using web5, at least I haven't seen, but TBD did include Bluesky in a recent blog post example.
I think it's inevitable, but I don't think Facebook will be first to get it. It would be cool if gab.com integrates it, then I might actually use the site more.
Twitter seemed close to getting it with Jack Dorsey being such an advocate, but I'm not sure if he has enough sway.
It's hard to start a new social media site from scratch because the other sites have benefitted so much from years of network effects.
I think it would definitely be worth developing and stacker.news and fountain have proved its efficacy. Even just the use case to root it spammers is a game changer for sites like twitter. LN might need more liquidity than 4K bitcoin if a huge site like Twitter were to implement.
Its a great way to stand out from the competition.
https://bazar.social/ is a running web5 microblog. Maybe you can have a try.