At first it is complicated, another initial tells you... But after you understand the concept it is easy, the "custodian wallets" you are not the one who actually holds the funds, and it depends on the provider's channel, which could escape whenever you want, closing the Channels and obviously taking the sats that said channel had... Now on the other hand the "non-custodial wallets" you personally are the custodian, it is up to you to store the keys that give access to the sats and it is up to you to open or close channels to manage your sats... Only depending on the nodes of those wallets to connect the sats between channels, but you place the sats of the channel and you open and close the channel whenever you want... As a newbie that I am I would also say that the one who best solves our problems is Phoenix.... Blitx and Green are doing well but Phoenix is ​​everything very simple. I hope my opinion helps you