5 Stages of a Man’s Life

where did this come from?

I can’t remember. I heard it on the AOM podcast with a guy who was reference Richard Rohr, but I cannot find anything online where Rohr talks about these five stages. So, I didn’t come up with this myself, but I can’t find a direct source.
One of the things I do remember the guy saying was when we are the age of one of these phases, but did not properly go through the stage before, that is where you will find an immature man. A thirty year old who never properly went through the apprenticeship phase will still be looking for someone to guide him instead of fighting the good fight that he should be at his age. A fifty something who never fought like a warrior in his thirties will still be trying to compete with everyone. And so on. I thought that was very insightful.

apprentice (ages 13 - mid 20s)

You are learning directly, and soaking in by osmosis, what it means to be a man and what a man does. Before thirteen years old, you are developing a lot of your personality and emotional patterns. But, specifically figuring out what it means to be a man, and what kind of man you want to be starts happening here. You are apprenticing with the older men in your life, or apprenticing with the lack of men and whatever male examples you can find.

warrior (ages mid 20s - mid 40s)

The warrior phase is when you fight. You grind. You are at war with the world to carve out your place in it. And making your dent in it as well. This phase is marked by work and struggle. That is finding a wife, loving that wife, learning to live with that wife, having kids, raising those kids, providing for those kids, building skills, putting those skills to use.

king (ages mid 40s - mid 60s)

The king has experience, and he rules over the kingdom he has built. If you are still struggling and grinding, then something went wrong in the warrior phase or it started late. A king isn’t trying to assert himself, he is looking after the people and things in his arena. Making sure they are excelling. But, he is no longer striving, grinding, scrimping, saving. He is leading and training the warriors coming up behind him.

sage (ages mid 60s to mid 80s)

The sage has now giving over his domain to others. He is no longer raising kids, building businesses, or training new guys. He is available to give wisdom when asked, but he is not longer in the system where his input is essential to the operation. He is at peace with the good and bad of the world, and understands it’s no longer his job to change it. But, he can be of service to those whose job it still is.

lover (ages mid 80s to death)

The lover has lived long enough that everything is a miracle. He is so close to death that life’s sweetness is always on his tongue. Every face is beautiful. Every tear was worth it. Every laugh was needed. He has nothing but love left in him.
I personally really like this as a framework for understanding my current place in life. What do you think?
211 sats \ 2 replies \ @Roll 20 Feb
I start to believe this model is to simple. Because we are all diferent in a way, so how can you make one model fro everyone!
So It is a model but there are others. For example this one:
In this case, there are explaining that there are diferents type of persons (regarding the birth date, birth place, name ). And each type has it s own path on the diferent period of life time...
oh, that’s very interesting. never heard of it before. thanks.
you are right. every model breaks down eventually. everyone is unique and everyone’s path is different. but, i still believe that principles and ideals give us guide posts, more than strict paths.
what bother me with the model you present or Koqoo is based: -on capitalism or money... -on religion or mariage... -on eductation or format people...
i m not saying that this model (https://www.jovianarchive.com/get_your_chart,) is the correct one. I just want to open doors. That may be there is something else
132 sats \ 1 reply \ @koqoo 20 Feb
thanks. I like this. I wish it had an ages axis as well.
I like this. It pretty much applies to my life's journey, but my wife and daughter would probably slap me if I referred to myself as "the king".
211 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 20 Feb
Looking forward to becoming King. Right on time for hyperbitcoinization
it will be your hyperkingization phase
haha, and your wife will laugh at you when you are in your 80s calling yourself “the lover”.
Ouch. I can't imagine what she'll say then.
This is a good framework except for lover. Most people don’t make it to 85.
Beautiful and hauntingly accurate.
Kind, Warrior, Magician, Lover is a really good book on developing masculinity covering these psychological archetypes. I don't remember if they line up in phases like you outline, but it definitely the same source material.
deleted by author
awesome! it’s not exactly the same as what i remember hearing, but it must be what they were talking about in that podcast. it’s so similar.
Awesome, I'll save this one.
Very interesting, thx for sharing. I wonder if there's a version for women.
yes, I would like something like this for women. would be interesting.
I posted a book on masculinity above which shares these archetypes. A quick Google for the female version turned up this:
Haven't read it yet and can't vouch for it, but looks pretty good...
thx! will take a read
this was simply true in many ways.