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Looking for a self sovereign way to collect family photos with the goal of preserving them for kids, grandkids, etc. I've done a lot of the work over the years re scanning, editing, but they are scattered in various family members' cloud based crap like Google photos. Has anyone attempted this? Prefer Linux based open source method.
I 've done a lot of the work over the years re scanning, editing Has anyone attempted this?
Yes I have. Did the same.
Looking for a self sovereign way to collect family photos with the goal of preserving them
My advice to you is just use a computers file system. Just files on hard drives. Multiple with multiple offsite backups.
The reason for this is simple: not everyone is tech literate. Old people aren't, the Zoomers often aren't either. But they're smart enough to keep backup HDDs or SSDs in a safe and have a second copy on their iPads for looking at them.
but they are scattered in various family members' cloud based crap like Google photos
Yeah, just download them manually. It's annoying but if no tech literate person puts in the effort no one will.
If your family is anything like mine there will also be the rogue 2nd degree cousin with the only copy of a weddings photos in prints in his basement.
Prefer Linux based open source method.
The reason why I went with just portable hard drives backups and full copies on many locations and phones, ipads, laptops etc is because they are the most compatible possible. Not every device/os can <obscure program>. But every device/os can files. Your grandkids futuristic tech will probably too.
That is a great, simple solution to make sure they survive a generation or two.
I pay for this service using open source Ente https://ente.io
Also an user. So far very happy, it has cloud sync and they have a desktop app for bulk operations, my plan is day to day backup everything from mobile to their cloud and from time to time archive/backup to an HD using the desktop app. They also accept LN payment if requested by mail.
Thanks. I'll check this out.
Hey @siggy47, did you ever try this? I just heard of it for the first time. Was going to check it out. I was curious what your opinion of it was.
Unfortunately I have not done anything since I made the post. I have a massive collection of photos on my NAS but I haven't had time to even think about a permanent solution yet.
Siggy, I'd make sure my hard drives have backups; but don't overlook the longevity of printed photos - I'd always print off good hard copies of important photos too.
Good advice. Thanks
Like I said in a reply, I use ente.io and I'm happy. I also had a look at https://github.com/immich-app/immich and https://stingle.org
Checkout syncthing with almost 60k ⭐️
Nowadays, I toss all the images in a folder and use something like this to generate a gallery via hugo: https://github.com/robrotheram/gogallery
This keeps me from having just a file full of photos, and also away from proprietary database lock-in.