They go to all these lengths and then let people sync & backup their iMessages to the cloud. Effectively rendering them unencrypted. Must be infuriating if you work on this stuff inside Apple.
Standard data protection: Messages in iCloud is end-to-end encrypted when iCloud Backup is disabled. When iCloud Backup is enabled, your backup includes a copy of the Messages in iCloud encryption key to help you recover your data. The encryption keys from your trusted devices are secured in Apple data centers, so Apple can decrypt your data on your behalf whenever you need it, such as when you sign in on a new device, restore from a backup, or recover your data after you’ve forgotten your password. If you turn off iCloud Backup, a new key is generated on your device to protect future Messages in iCloud. This key is end-to-end encrypted between your devices and isnʼt stored by Apple.
Advanced Data Protection: Messages in iCloud is always end-to-end encrypted. When iCloud Backup is enabled, everything inside it is end-to-end encrypted, including the Messages in iCloud encryption key.
As long as you can disable icloud backups, this is a win
Yes optionality is important. I’m unsure on the percentage but I’d be willing to assume 75%+ of Apple’s customers use iCloud backups and less than 20% use the new ‘Advanced Data Protection’ from iOS16. So most people are still storing their message history for Apple and other third parties to snoop-on.
Not to mention, even if you think you have the correct settings… your Nan who is still on iOS14 is still leaking your Christmas wishlist and your entire family conversation history, or anyone else for that matter that you chat with.
Anyone who doesn’t:
  • upgrade to iOS16 and enable new advanced privacy feature
  • disable iCloud backups
… is sharing your conversation history with Apple and all government agencies worldwide.
So stating iMessages are E2E encrypted is disingenuous at best.