Github instructs you to download their cli to make it this easy but practically everything github does (as it pertains to git stuff) is a syntactic wrapper. I don't want another piece of software on my computer that I have learn and maintain.
Maybe I'm just daft but before this I'd setup remotes for regular contributors to easily checkout their prs:
git remote ekzyis git fetch ekzyis somebranch git checkout FETCH_HEAD
For irregular contributors I'd do a link clicking dance figuring out their remote path and branch and pull it to a local branch.
git fetch somebranch git checkout FETCH_HEAD
After this config it's
git fetch pr/321 git checkout pr/321
There are probably a million ways to do this, but this is the best one I've found. Do you have PR flow/config you like?
Oh, yeah, this is good. I usually treat git stuff like I do keyboard shortcuts. I just never learn them and do things the slow/hard way. But, once I finally do learn them one day, out of frustration, I kick myself for being so lazy.