I've worked for a homelessness charity in the past and befriended so many in the various places I've lived. Some of whom have passed on since. I have been technically homeless too.
There's great camaraderie within homeless circles, many are really great sweet guys. Being so hand to mouth and feeling every problem so intimately these guys can't help but have sensitive hearts to others.
The difficulties in escaping the cycle of homelessness are many and there's many feedback loops as you'd imagine.
Most people have identified them already: drugs, alcohol, poor mental health, lack of address to get a job, gap in employment history.
Life expectancy is far lower, health and mental health problems are higher and turning to drug use and prostitution is incredibly high too.
I'm deeply heartened to hear of all the support here for our homeless brothers and sisters.
A homeless person's social network is really important to them - it can be the one thing that keeps them feeling totally isolated. However, to help escape from say drug and alcohol abuse, a good way to do it is to get away from your circle of friends who obviously will draw you back into it.
I can't think of any easy way to help solve homelessness. For once, I'm a bit lost for words tbh.
I just wanted to share my experience.
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