pull down to refresh

This is expected I suppose....as subsidy gets cut miners will need to come up with additional revenue schemes.
I'm willing to bet someone comes up with a "monthly service" fee for large customers. Something like pay X sats and get fast-lane access for the entire month....
I'm willing to bet someone comes up with a "monthly service" fee for large customers.
Not a bad idea. Although I wonder how regularly people use these services.
Maybe payment processors + Exchanges + large financial institutions would.
The unknown is if your pool doesn't win the next several blocks...but I guess the argument is if a large mining pool has 20% of the hash rate, then they should get 1 out of ever 5 blocks on average.
Nah, this is basically for getting non-standard TXs on the chain.
Payment processors, exchanges and large financial institutions doing normal TXs don't have any need to bypass the spam filters. Going through the normal mempool is cheaper and faster.