Another Wild West Sundry Sunset in the ~AGORA Territory - ISSUE IV

Meta-Stackers and Foundry-Founders,
Have been exiting times here in the ɅG○ᏒɅ Territory, some more bits of engagement, but we still keeping it up with the bad, the good and the ugly surprises this journey is bringing us all. However, it will be, we'll embrace it :)

The Numb-ers

Firstly, a bit of numb numbers, or numbers that numbs! This first month, we ended up staking around 63k in total, mostly coming from @mo territory's related posts. Below, this past month summarized bits:
(200k) territory cost (100k) monthly renewal cost 32.3k from post rewards 1.6k from territory revenue
(203k) gross loss
Expectations for next month does not look positive, ehehe! However, these numbers pushes us to experiment more and deeper explore the boundaries of SN possibilities. True is that advertising is annoying, we guess most of the valuable OG stackers already muted the territory, but it's ok, we understand! We aim to guide people to sell stuff and get sats for sales. It's a delicate topic, and build trust requires time and a ton of patience! We got both covered ;)

Flowing sats

We are constantly experimenting and lately, on top of our merch store we set our latest item for sale util the end of February, hopefully we can get some sales to help cover next month's territory fee cost.
Apart this, we are struggling to understand how to make this territory a useful and safe space for stackers to trade. Do you have any suggestions? How can we inactivate people sell unwanted items and get sats from it? How we can attract professionals to advertise their services? What other support we can provide you all? These are all the questions buzzing our minds, we'd like to hear from you! Lets' brainstorm!

Spring Cleanings

Let's keep it clean and safe! We did notice a bit of newbies and freebies lately, touring around without knowing, were placing their baby steps. Just to safeguard wise stackers and curious visitors, from now on, in the ~AGORA territory:
  • post fee has now increased to 21 sats with no more freebies available to newbies, with the hope to reduce spam and defeat scams...
  • you'll not gonna see @AG0RA posts anymore! The bot responsible from scraping the web in search of items4sats listings that until now have spammed SN feed, has been paused util further notice. The idea was to conect stackers with local bitcoiners offering products or services in exchange for bitcoin. We got some nice followups on nostr, but in general, it was not an organic choice and was taking too much feed space, making too much noise and denying real stackers' ads visibility. But if you think this is a bad idea, let us know in the comment below and we'll evaluate how to go forward.
  • @AG0RA will be responsible for now to crosspost on nostr only organic ads posted by real stackers here in the community
  • No more rules or [TAG]s to post ads. Consider our [TUTORIAL]s as guide if you like, but feel free to post whatever you feel like util is relevant with honest P2P trade and open free market. You'll see more educational posts from us covering sales strategies, stacking opportunities and much more relates to trade safely, anonymously with Bitcoin.
  • No more moderation and enable the freewheel to roar in this free market place, with the aim to organically drive offer and demand. We trust stackers will zap and downzap accordingly to bitcoin values to have the top 7 post emerge and published in our weekly newsletter. That's how it should have been since the beginning!
  • rewards and giveaway sats for stackers that produce contents aimed to incentivate a free market, tips on buy/sell, or stories about buying or selling with ~Bitcoin, ~Lightning and ~eCash . This has been inspired by @kr strategy so we'll start zeroing our @SN wallets too, to give back and reward the top posters and commenters on the territory every week. Are you ready?

The Future for sub territories ideas

We have been exploring options for the future sub-territories and apparently still too early to plan this structure. We'll re-evaluate in the future, when subterritories will be released.

Dreaming about the Ad-post type

It probably too early for this too, and looking at how ~jobs is doing, we'll not expect this to be released soon. From our perspective will be a nice experiment to have an Ad-post type especially with the territory crossposting coming out soon! Hopefully the team here is already working on it! Maybe? Maybe are we just wrong with this whole idea of having a marketplace on a news website? Maybe!?

SN as Nostr client

This could be just a first step toward free market in SN territories. Second one, as someone already mention time ago, is the nostr integration, that will enable any ad-type post to be published in the emerging protocol as kind 30402 defined on NIP-99. Do will Darth's predictions come true? If this is the way to go, what can we do to accelerate this process?

Pushing Features requests

No news yet for scheduled posts, featured image, and post's image gallery but we trust @k00b @kr and @ek and many more are working hard to release some new features soon! Thank you all again for your hard work!

A ~Design collaboration

It has been an interesting experiment and we start seeing the first signs of excitement from the community. We, here in the ~AGORA, really appreciate this New Wild West taste SN has been maintained since inception and this Open Design Challenge - NEW WILD WEST MOVIE POSTERS turned into Bitcoin Ads - has been an opportunity for us to enhance it a little bit more. The challenge is open and will stay open (forever) with many more surprises coming for all participants! Stay tuned!
That's all, stackers!


Great summary! Keep it up 💪