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interesting. what was the main benefit in your eyes/your parents eyes of homeschooling back when you were a kid?
is that still the main benefit you see today?
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i’m really curious now, can you share more about what a typical “home education” routine might look like for your kids? is it similar to the routine you had as a kid?
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Fascinating, esp because I’m a teacher in the public school system haha. How does your wife manage the varied needs of the kids whom I imagine must be from different grades and academic levels?
As a teacher, how do you cater for 20-30 kids who, despite being similar age, all have different abilities, strengths, learning styles, personalities, academic levels, special education needs etc? Home Educating parents have a far fewer children to cater for, with the added bonus that they are their own children, so they know them much better than anyone and have more of a vested interest in their success.
Good question. Singapore is on-the-ball when it comes to differentiated instruction. All kids with learning needs will be banded together in one class. Other students will be channeled into classes based on their academic ability. So there is some form of uniformity.
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Did you grow up in a small town or urban area?
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