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This is for 2024
Bitcoin 2024/Nashville, HK or Amsterdam13.5%
Bitcoin++/BA, Austin or other13.5%
Lugano Plan B Forum5.4%
Pacific Bitcoin0.0%
Bit Block Boom5.4%
Advancing Bitcoin0.0%
BTC Prague16.2%
Adopting Bitcoin/El Salvador, SA16.2%
Other (Please Comment)18.9%
37 votes \ poll ended
If you spend your precious SATs to go to those conferences for anything other than concrete networking or business purposes then you're a loser, sorry!
lol someone said it! ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคช
I'd rather organize local Bitcoin meetups
The given options are too USA-centric (options 1, 2, 3, 5, & 6)
USA centrism (and insularity) is also a big problem with Stacker News btw (despite the notable exception of @anita)
Anyway, I would have liked to see Bitcoin Atlantis and the Africa Bitcoin Conference on the list, but I personally voted for Lugano
Prague, Prague... Prusa 3d printers are also there.. Nice city for touring around. BTC is the same everywhere. โšกโšกโšก๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
Baltic Honeybadger
I already have my two tickets paid for.
Really depends what you are looking for. If you are a dev or are interested in technical talks, I highly recommend Bitcoin++ or Tabconf.
If you want more of the number go up macro stuff, but something on the smaller side then Bit Block Boom is where its at.
Ultimately, conferences are really about networking. If you don't need to meet people face to face then best to just watch on YouTube I reckon.
Looks like less travel this year, but you missed... Bush Bash and Bitcoin Alive in Australia ๐Ÿ˜…
Watch Out Bitcoin, Madrid.
Said Bitcoin++ because Parker shilled it on the last RHR, otherwise I don't see the need to go to conferences unless your company's paying for it. At this point your company should probably be stacking instead.
Canadian Bitcoin Conference of course. Or maybe Bitcoin Atlantis if I wanted to tie a family vacation into it.
I would go to check out this conference:
Bitcoin Symposium - Stockholm, Sweden (Swedish only/mostly i guess)