I guess as a US citizen I sometimes have myopia and am shocked to hear that capital is seeking out the US. It's the old "best house on a bad block" theory. That capital may not automatically flow to New York considering recent events, but many other states provide reasonable safety and opportunity.
there is a dodgy path mostly via the CITY.
don’t miss this documentary: The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire
Top. Thank You
did you read my analysis from yesterday on the war bonds that could be converted into eurobonds? i have the feeling that this article has been completely lost here and that the topic is far too important, especially from the point of view of the europeans. here in europe, nobody is paying attention to the fact that the eu has just stepped onto the thin ice of getting hold of other funds to continue arming itself and digging itself deeper and deeper into this war
I did but I will read it more closely. It's crazy how the EU seems to do the US's bidding to its own detriment at times, especially after events like the pipeline sabotage. I guess they value the US footing the bill for the UN and NATO more than they probably should.
in my opinion, all the problems that the eurozone has should always be read from the perspective that there is no collateral, i.e. no own energy source available at all that would be internationally relevant. hence these incessant efforts by the UK to drag America into the wars. and the attempt to install eurobonds via war bonds means nothing other than putting the european taxpayer as collateral behind the further issuance of government bonds
I would clarify efforts by UK politicians and media to drag the US in... There is no appetite from most ordinary people in the UK to get involved in foreign wars, the public image is a confection...
Nobody of us really wants that. But this class of parasites seems unstoppable so far
Just look at the state of the UK's military and the numbers leaving the armed forces every year!
PS: The Donald is absolutely right