Yeah, it got the best of me and so I bought a hardcover-version of the book just now...

I literally cannot wait, ek!

Happy to hear, you might finish the book before me haha
I'm only at Chapter 10: The Bretton Woods System.
Still better than The Bitcoin Standard but it's been some time. Maybe I should read it again.
Both books are quite something in terms of pages...
You mean that thus far it's already been better than TBS?
You mean that thus far it's already been better than TBS?
Yes but my memories of how good or bad The Bitcoin Standard was fading. I think it was good but I don't remember much which is a bad sign.
In the 100 pages of Broken Money that I read so far, I feel like I already learned so much that I will never forget in my whole life but only time will tell.
It's gonna take you a heck of a lot of time reading, re-reading and comparing what you've read in order to come to a conclusion- which doesn't mean that it ain't gonna be a heck of a ride!

I'm rooting for you, ek!

And for me, too...