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Do you think he really means it? Serious question. Or is this part of his audience capture schtick? My honest belief is the latter -- he gets it, he's making too much money banging this drum, though. The father / son thing is, I suspect, also a gimmick.
Don't suspect malice when stupidity can explain someone's behavior ;)
More seriously, yeah, could be...
Jumps with a parachute with big middle finger on it because, boy, that building is burning
🤣, it's a good one though, gotta give him that.
Funny, I knew this was about Peter Schiff before I opened this post.
I'm glad he's got his son.
Should we ask @k00b to create a Funny Section? haha.
But let's not make this a 9gag page.
~lol exists
I've just paid attention to Meistro Schiff for nearly 5 years and I can sense his presence in the anti-force.
For me it's baffling that a man can use network technology to broadcast opinion but he can't understand broadcasting transactions and a ledger that can not be monkeyed with.