pull down to refresh

With all good long format contents I see around here, I'm surprised that this feature isn't active yet!
I've noticed that reader view isn't available on Stacker.News website. This is a major issue for accessibility and I truly believe it should be addressed as soon as possible.
Unfortunately there's no standard to define how each browser will enable that option. In my experience with Brave and Firefox, none allowed me to browse the site on a much readable view.
Please consider it!
Agree... long format posts are a bit painful to read here on SN. One option is to enable the reader view and another one is to improve a bit the styling of the site itself.
Perhaps the approach you propose is the easiest route.
Well, the styling is subjective. I personally like the current style, love Helvetica and sans-serif. However for reading I also appreciate more serif fonts as are easier to read.
Readwise.io ftw!
look's good but is asking for email and password
There are tools for generating email aliases. E.g. Proton pass, Mozilla also has a tool for this. Readwise is great, and worth it.
You can do a send to your Kindle. I've done that for some long pieces. It's not perfect but it's a nice way to read.
I'd like to try but don't have a kndle. I think the issue is more about web standards, there's not one yet to define it but all major browsers have that option available when certain tags are available on the page.
The post-type item could be better structured from an HTML5 perspective, as it mostly for long-format contents including the <section> or <article> semantic tags could be one option.
This article from 2018 has some -maybe yet outdated- details for each browser
I think you've touched a button that might be a good use case.
I agree that the reader mode has been a good tool that I forget about.
I'm glad! Hopefully we can have this sorted :)
I'm not familiar with SN code, do you know where I can find the template generating the post on GH?
May am able to edit and submit a PR.
That's @k00b @kr @ek & More