I did 40-40-20 for one day and then went back to 4x25. 4 sets fits better into my current routine because my dog gets 4 small meals per day as part of her prescription diet so I just do my set every time I feed the dog. It reminds me to get it done.
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That makes sense to me.
The reason four sets gives me trouble is that I need to fit one in after work and before my daughter goes to bed. It isn't always convenient to fit that one in.
Three would be easy: one when I wake up, one during work, one after my daughter's asleep.
I have been keeping an eye out for a new contract job. I hardly worked all of last year and that did a number on my savings, plus I bought a lot of bitcoin, so I should work a bit more this year. If I get a job, I will likely switch to a 3 set structure where I do one set in morning, one set after working and one set at night before bed.
Apparently, you didn't buy enough bitcoin, considering it's more than doubled pretty recently.
Will you be able to work for bitcoin? Or, just whatever trash currency you all are using?
I never buy enough bitcoin. Every bear market is the same. But I am not going to sell so need to do some fiat work regardless.