I sometimes feel like this, but I am a simple man, I go pick up heavy things for an hour or run after a soccer ball with friends and it makes the voices go away. I don't try to dwell on where I am or where I want to be, that's just going to make me depressed, but I look at everyday and see what I can do to get more closer to something I want, be that more savings, better health, more time for hobbies etc,
My best advice is try to break out of comfort zones, and try new things, and figure that its okay to hate that thing afterwards, but at least you gave it a shot and by the process of elimination you find things that bring you joy
You notice the voices are coming back, right? It tells you you are avoiding something. Hence the need to distract yourself with mundane things (sports). The more you keep not listening, the stronger the voices will become. "Things" don't bring joy!
Respectfully yours.
For sure, that can be the case, and if so you can start to take note and tackle it, but not everyone is ready to take things on and can do it at their own pace, also your brain can spit out a lot of nonsense so listening to every voice and acting on it, isn't always the right move
your brain can spit out a lot of nonsense so listening to every voice and acting on it, isn't always the right move
Like "go pick up heavy things for an hour or run after a soccer ball with friends"?
Follow the heart, not the brain!
Thanks, solid input.