I'm not scared about my ability to hold my Bitcoin, I'm just worried about someone else taking it from me (or perhaps losing it in some disaster scenario.)
I tried to picture what it would be like to have this BTC stack when it's worth hundreds of thousands per coin (or more) and know there are at least a few people out there who are aware that I own Bitcoin or maybe heard me talk about it in the past, and I realized my security needs to be a lot better. So I'm going multi-sig with a passphrase, decoy wallet, all that stuff, and really thinking creatively about how I want to store my backups.
I'm hoping that I can just live a normal life as the person who never seems to worry about money and not have to reveal why that is. I have a good-paying job and I'm somewhat known as a personal finance nerd so it's plausible that I might retire early.
Among all the things that people have said here, seems like having people know you are a bitcoin "enthusiast" is the one most are worried about. Makes me think I probably shouldn't wear that giant fuzzy orange bitcoin man costume as much as I do.